The Truth About Silicone: Is It Plastic & Is It Eco Friendly?

The Truth About Silicone: Is It Plastic & Is It Eco Friendly?

Have you ever wondered what silicone is made of? Or if it’s eco-friendly? Well, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about silicone and its environmental impact. What is silicone? Silicone is a synthetic polymer that is made from silicone dioxide, which is a natural compound found…

10 Expert Tips for Sustainable Landscaping

10 Expert Tips for Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping is the practice of using organic materials and design principles that minimize the impact of humans on the environment. The goal of sustainable landscaping is to create a healthy, balanced ecosystem that can support human activity without damaging or degrading the natural world. Sustainable landscaping practices include using native plants, conserving water, minimizing…

Sustainable fashion is the future! Here’s what to look for to support the industry!

Sustainable fashion is the future! Here’s what to look for to support the industry!

The world of fashion is ever-changing, and with that comes new trends and styles. However, one thing that remains the same is the need for sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion is not only important for the environment but also for the people who make the clothing. When you support sustainable fashion, you are not only helping…

Sustainable fashion on a budget: Where to Find it!

Sustainable fashion on a budget: Where to Find it!

Hey everyone! In addition to being convenient for shoppers, fast fashion is also relatively cheap and quick to produce. Seasonal fashions are notorious for wearing out after a few uses, leaving us with ragged garments. We understand that the price tags on high-quality ethical and sustainable fashion items might be discouraging. Sustainable textiles, fair labor…