Dispose of an Old CRT TV (Tube TV Recycling)

Dispose of an Old CRT TV (Tube TV Recycling)

Dispose of an Old CRT TV (Tube TV Recycling)
Dispose of an Old CRT TV (Tube TV Recycling) – Source: Pexels

When you upgrade to a new flat-screen television, your old CRT (cathode ray tube) TV is no longer useful. Many of us still have a television in our homes that use a cathode ray tube (also known as a CRT). These televisions have been around for quite some time. These televisions are notoriously difficult to get rid of due to their bulky designs and (in some cases) substantial weights. Additionally, recycling them is challenging due to the presence of potentially harmful substances that they contain.

Do not throw it in the trash! Instead, recycle your old tube TV so that it doesn’t pollute our environment or pose a threat to anyone who could come into contact with its hazardous materials. If you live in an area that accepts electronics recycling, follow these steps to safely discard your old CRT TV. If not, find out if there are any nearby programs or services that can help you with disposal arrangements.

Dispose of an Old CRT TV Responsibly

Before you throw away an old CRT-type television set, consider the hazardous materials that it contains. CRT-type television sets use high voltages and powerful magnetic fields to create the images you see on the screen. They contain many different hazardous materials that can pose a significant risk to the environment if they are not disposed of properly.

Before you decide to throw an old television set in the trash, ask yourself if the risks are worth the convenience. You might be able to reuse the set by giving it to a friend or relative, donating it to a charity, or selling it on eBay or Craigslist. You could also check with your local government to see if there is a nearby recycling program.

Find a Local Electronics Recycling Program

If you can’t donate or reuse the television set, and you don’t have a friend or relative who can take it, then you need to find a place that recycles old electronics. You can find a list of local recycling programs in your area by searching online or contacting your state’s Department of Environmental Protection.

Before you haul an old television set to an electronics recycling facility, be sure to unplug the set, open the back, and remove the plug, cord, and any other debris that may have collected inside the set. You should also remove any old pieces of equipment or other materials, such as bookshelves, that may have been attached to the set.

Complete CRT TV Disposal Instructions.

  • When you arrive at the recycling facility, find out what type of container the workers want you to use to transport the old television set.
  • You may have to place the set in a cardboard box or a plastic bag, or the workers may provide you with a special container.
  • Ask about placement instructions as well. Some recycling facilities require that you place the container on a pallet or in a designated area so that workers can conveniently lift and transport it.
  • Ask workers if they want you to remove the back cover from the set. If you do, place the cover carefully in a plastic bag and tie the bag shut. This will help protect the workers from any stray wires that could poke them as they lift and transport the set.

Safe Disposal for an Old CRT TV

  • After you unplug the television set, remove any cords and wires, and open the back cover to remove any media or other attached materials, you can use one of the following methods to dispose of your old television set.
  • Place the set in a cardboard box and wrap the box with duct tape. Place the box next to your trash can for pickup on your regular trash day.
  • Place the set in a cardboard box and fill the box with crumpled newspaper or paper towels until the television set is covered. Close the box with duct tape, place it next to your trash can for pickup, and mark the box “E-WASTE.”
  • Remove the back cover of the television set before you place it in a cardboard box. Place the box next to your trash can for pickup, and mark the box “E-WASTE.”
  • Take the television set to a local recycling facility. Be sure to ask if they accept old televisions. If they do, follow the instructions above for safe disposal.

Conversion of the Television Set

Don’t just toss the television out the window. The components in tube televisions, such as lead and cadmium, are known to be carcinogenic. If you dispose of them in the trash, the poisons will seep into the earth and cause damage to the ecosystem. In addition, you may be subject to a large fine if it is discovered that you have dumped electronic waste in the garbage.

  • Transform your television into a tropical aquarium. You can breathe new life into an old television set by repurposing it. You might, for instance, turn your television set into an aquarium! After removing all of the outdated components from behind the glass, insert a fish tank within the housing of the television. Instead of just tossing the old components, be sure that they are disposed of appropriately. If you need assistance with this endeavor, look for guides that can be found online.
  • Transform the television into a wet bar. You can make the television into a display that is both practical and attractive as an alternative to throwing it away. You’ll need to clean out the inside of the TV so that you can find a creative way to store liquor bottles and decanters inside of it. This would be a fantastic addition to a bar in a basement or a man cave.
  • Make a bed for your pet out of the television. There are a tonne of how-to guides available online for transforming old televisions and desktop computers into beds for pets. If you have a small furry buddy, you can construct a bed for them out of your old TV if you want to get creative. To ensure the utmost level of comfort, all of the components and wires must be removed, and a cushion should be placed on the base.


It can be challenging to decide what to do with an old television set. Before you decide to throw it in the trash, consider the risks and potential hazards. You can reduce these risks and hazards by removing the back cover of the set and unplugging it, removing any cords, wires, or other attached materials, sealing the set in a plastic bag, and placing it in a cardboard box filled with crumpled newspaper or paper towels.

If you have direct access to a nearby recycling facility, or if you have a friend or relative who can help you with disposal, you can transport the set there. If not, you can make the disposal process safer by finding a nearby recycling facility and following the instructions provided by the workers who run the facility.

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