Earth Day Activities For Kids That Will Make You Want to Celebrate Too

Earth Day Activities For Kids That Will Make You Want to Celebrate Too

Earth Day Activities For Kids That Will Make You Want to Celebrate Too
Earth Day Activities For Kids That Will Make You Want to Celebrate Too – Source: Pexels

Kids love the environment and the cute animals that live in it. Kids also love cool activities, new friends, and fun snacks. If you’re looking for ways to help your little ones learn about Earth Day while also encouraging them to make their world a greener place, here are six of our favorite activities that will appeal to kids of all ages.

Stronger communities, cleaner air, and sustainable practices aren’t just nice things to have; they’re what enable humans to thrive on this planet for millennia to come.

With that in mind, there’s no better time than Earth Day (and any day thereafter) to show your kids how fortunate they are to be born into a world teeming with beautiful natural spaces and healthy wildlife. Read on for our favorite earth-friendly activities that will inspire kids of all ages—and you—to celebrate!

Make Birdseed Ornaments

Birdseed ornaments can be produced with common kitchen items in honor of Earth Day and to feed the birds. Children of all ages can benefit from hanging birdseed ornaments outside of the classroom or kitchen window to attract and observe a variety of winged visitors.

  • You’ll want to have: Straw, Twine, Birdseed, corn syrup, cookie cutter, scroll paper, gelatin, water,
  • Procedure: Dissolve the gelatin powder by stirring it into half a cup of cold water.
  • If you want the gelatin to dissolve, have an adult add half a cup of hot water to it.
  • To the mixture, add 2 tablespoons of corn syrup and stir to combine.
  • Coat the birdseed with the gelatin.
  • Use parchment paper to press the birdseed mixture into cookie cutters after spooning it in.
  • Continually add birdseed and press down. Make sure there’s a space for the string so you can hang it.
  • Put the cookie molds in the fridge to chill overnight.
  • The following day, give the cookie-cutter containing the birdseed decorations a light push to release them.
  • To hang it outside for birds to enjoy, simply thread the rope through the holes.

Plant A Tiny Garden Together

Kids love to nurture new things and see them grow. What better way to show your kids the importance of taking care of the environment than helping them plant a garden?

  • You can plant a flower garden, herbs, a small vegetable garden, or even a tiny tree. If you’re planting trees with your children, make sure they know they won’t grow for a long time so they don’t get discouraged.
  • Planting herbs and flowers are the easiest plants to grow and they can be used in all sorts of recipes or teas.
  • If you’ve got space in your yard or garden, consider planting some flowers that not only look pretty but also help pollinate your other plants and keep pests away.
  • Consider planting a few different kinds of flowers so you can let your littles pick and choose which ones they’d like to grow and care for.
  • Let them choose a few flowers, and then help them understand how to properly care for their new garden pals.

Arrange a Science Experiment

If you hear the words “science experiment,” what comes to mind are fun and interesting activities to try out at school or with your parents. Get your wacky researchers involved in an oil spill and cleanup experiment to raise their environmental consciousness.

  • You’ll want to have: Water, Spoon, Kitchen detergent, cooking oil, paper towel, Balls of Cotton, Two tin pans, a medicine dropper
  • Experiment on the Science of Oil Spill Cleanup
  • Put about a quart of water into the pan.
  • Drop some oil into the pool.
  • Greetings, now we get to the good part! Try several methods to soak up the oil, such as cotton balls, a medicine dropper, or a paper towel.
  • Test the reaction between the dishwashing liquid and oil by dropping a few drops of each into the other. Using soap to mop up oil makes the mess much more manageable.
  • It will help students understand how oil spills affect marine life and wildlife.

Talk About Recycling

It’s crucial to pique children’s interest in environmental protection at a young age. Teaching youngsters the proper way to sort recyclables is a great way to get them interested in recycling from a young age.

  • Preschoolers and kindergartners will gain lifelong skills while participating in this Earth Day program.
  • Teach youngsters how to sort their trash into the proper bins. Have them sort their recyclables into the appropriate containers.
  • Work on these skills with your students at lunchtime or any other time they have access to recycling during the year.

Go On A Scavenger Hunt To Find Out What’s Good For The Environment

  • Scavenger hunts are excellent activities for kids of all ages.
  • Scavenger hunts are perfect for kids because they can be made as easy or difficult as you like.
  • You can make the hunt easy for younger kids by giving them pictures of objects that are easily identifiable or you can make it hard for older kids so they can learn to research.
  • You can also tailor your hunt to a specific theme, like Earth Day. To make an Earth Day-themed scavenger hunt, gather a list of items related to or found in nature, like rocks, leaves, river water, etc.
  • You can also include items that have to do with Earth Day, like recycling symbols and facts about pollution.
  • Once you’ve got your list, make copies with the items written on pieces of paper, or use a digital list.
  • Let your little ones go on a hunt around your neighborhood or city and see what nature and Earth Day-themed items they can find.

Have A Rainbow Picnic

Rainbows are beautiful, magical things—and they just so happen to be an excellent illustration of the environment’s ability to rebound from destruction.

  • Kids love seeing rainbows, and we’ve got a feeling they’ll love celebrating Earth Day with a rainbow-themed picnic even more.
  • If you’re hosting an Earth Day party and want to incorporate a rainbow theme, start by making a rainbow-themed cake or desserts your guests can enjoy while they’re mingling.
  • If you’re going all-out and hosting a full-blown Earth Day party, though, you can take your rainbow party theme even further.
  • Make or buy brightly colored decorations, like balloons and streamers, to spruce up your party space.
  • Hand out rainbow-themed party favors and invite your little ones to take their food on a picnic to enjoy under the beautiful, natural rainbows that are sure to appear.

Celebrate with crafts

Kids love to create, but most of their artwork usually involves crayons and markers on paper. Why not turn your Earth Day activities into a craft party?

  • Crafts are excellent activities for kids because they appeal to a child’s creative side and encourage exploration.
  • What’s more, crafts are easy to clean up, and many of the materials you need are reusable.
  • If you’re hosting an Earth Day party, you could incorporate both crafts and decorations.
  • Let your guests pick craft projects they’d like to do, like making flower crowns or planting seed bombs.
  • You can also encourage your guests to make decorations to adorn your party space, like paper chains or flower crowns.

Hold A Rockathon To Celebrate Earth’s Beauty

Rock collecting is an old-fashioned hobby that many people have enjoyed—and benefited from—for centuries. Rock collecting, or rock hunting, allows us to appreciate Earth’s natural beauty and learn about the minerals that help make up our planet. What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to help your kiddos discover their love of rock collecting?

If you’ve got little rock enthusiasts at home, consider hosting your rock festival at home.

Gather up all the rocks you can find in your backyard or neighborhood and let your littles sort through them to find the ones they like best.

You can also visit a local park or other outdoor space and collect rocks there.


There are plenty of ways to celebrate Earth Day with the little ones in your life. From coloring with eco-friendly crayons to collecting rocks and minerals, there’s something for every child’s interests and skill levels.

 If your kids are anything like ours, they’ll love learning about how we can help take care of the environment and make our planet a better place for humans and animals alike. So grab your little ones, grab a few activities from this list, and get celebrating!

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