Give your old swimsuit a new life by donating it

Give your old swimsuit a new life by donating it!

Give your old swimsuit a new life by donating it
Give your old swimsuit a new life by donating it! – Source: Flickr

I was recently scrolling through my Facebook feed and saw a post from a friend about donating old swimsuits. I thought to myself, what a great idea!

I had no idea that there were organizations that collected old swimsuits to give to people in need.

I did a little research and found out that there are actually quite a few organizations that collect old swimsuits. This is a great way to get rid of your old swimsuit and help someone in need. So, next time you’re looking to get rid of an old swimsuit, consider donating it to a great cause.

Here are a few organizations that collect old swimsuits:

  • The Salvation Army:The Salvation Army collects gently used clothing, including swimsuits, to give to those in need. You can drop off your donations at any Salvation Army location.
  • Goodwill:Goodwill also collects gently used clothing, including swimsuits. You can drop off your donations at any Goodwill location.
  • The Red Cross:The Red Cross collects new and gently used clothing, including swimsuits, to give to those in need. You can drop off your donations at any Red Cross location.

So, there you have it! Next time you’re looking to get rid of an old swimsuit, consider donating it to one of these great organizations.

Why Should You Donate Your Swimwear?

Donate for a Good Cause:

Donate any extra bathing suit fabric to a local sewing group, quilting group, or school that could use it for an upcoming project.

Oftentimes, local quilt clubs may take donations of swimwear or other textiles that can be repurposed into blankets or quilts, which will then be given to those in need.

Because arts funding is often the first to go when it comes to education budget cuts, using old bathing suit fabric may assist financially challenged schools provide arts instruction and motivate kids to be creative.

Donate a Friend

Do you have a pal who is roughly your height and weight? One option to reuse clothing, including swimwear, is to participate in a clothing swap with friends.

You can give your pals what they want by filling a box or bag with your unwanted possessions.

Anything remaining can be donated to a good cause that will use the money to help those less fortunate. It’s a great way to enjoy a “shopping day” if you and your friends are on a budget, and you can all look great in your “new to you” purchases.

Alter the layout and make it look better.

Ingenuity allows you to make something new out of your old swimsuit.

It’s possible that an old suit could be repurposed into bright hair ties, perfect for the warm summer months.

Alternatively, you might make a lovely memory blanket out of old clothes to give to yourself or a loved one. Make a reusable tote bag to replace disposable plastic ones.

Render them Viable Again

Make a one-piece into a stunning two-piece by replacing the elastic, or wear your favorite suit with your new high-waisted pants by creating a matching top.

You may save a lot of money by doing it this way, and your swim top will look like new afterward.

What Kind Of Swimsuits Can Be donated

Are you looking to donate a bathing suit, but not sure what kind is best? Here’s a quick guide on the different types of bathing suits that can be donated.

BATHING SUIT LINGERIE :We mean suits that resemble lingerie when we say “bathing suit lingerie.” Such swimming suits can be donated to charities or secondhand shops.

ONE PIECE BATHING SUIT :You can certainly contribute a one-piece bathing suit as well. Bathing suits that come in just one piece are called one-piece suits. No tops and no bottoms, merely a simple bathing suit. It may also be distributed in an act of goodwill.

TWO-PIECE BATHING SUIT :Do you want to distribute a two-piece bathing suit? then go ahead and. One type of suit that can be donated to both individuals and organizations is the two-piece bathing suit. Give away whatever bathing suit you choose as long as it is clean and in good condition.

So, there you have it! Three different types of bathing suits that can be donated. No matter what kind of bathing suit you choose to donate, make sure it’s clean and in good condition.

In What Condition Should it be Before Donating?

If you’re looking to donate a swimsuit, look for one that is in good condition and not torn or worn. It’s probably not a good idea to give away swimwear that you wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing yourself.

Clean:Donating a clean bathing suit to charity would be far more appreciated than an old, tattered one that covers everything.

Good Condition:Donating a swimming suit to the organization or other persons requires that it be in excellent condition. Those in bathing suits are people too, just like the rest of us. As a result, I don’t think it’s right to send children used, torn swimming costumes. Dress clothes that you’d never consider wearing on your own.

Environmentally Conscious

As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to start thinking about swimwear! Whether you’re headed to the beach, the pool, or just enjoying some time in the sun, you’ll want to make sure you have a swimsuit that fits both your style and your body. But did you know that your swimsuit choices can also have an impact on the environment?

It’s true! When you’re ready to retire your swimsuit for the season, donating it to charity is one approach to help the environment.

But another way to help out is to look for swimsuits that are created in a way that is environmentally friendly. You should give it your best effort to locate ones that are manufactured with materials that are not harmful to the environment and, if at all possible, ones that are made with materials that are biodegradable.


Donating your used bathing suits is a great way to help those in need. There are many reputable organizations that accept these donations, including those who provide them to breast cancer patients, the homeless, and other persons in need. So please don’t hesitate to give your used swimming suits to one of these charities or to thrift shops if you have any. Donate today to help rescue a soul.

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