Why Plastic Bags Are Bad For The Environment

Why Plastic Bags Are Bad For The Environment

Why Plastic Bags Are Bad For The Environment
Why Plastic Bags Are Bad For The Environment – Source: Pexels

In today’s world, it’s hard to go anywhere without seeing plastic bags. They’re used to carry groceries, clothes, and just about anything else you can think of. But have you ever stopped to think about how bad they are for the environment?

Plastic bags are made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource. They’re also not biodegradable, meaning they’ll stay in landfills for centuries. And if they end up in the ocean, they can be ingested by marine animals, who can then die from starvation or suffocation.

So next time you reach for a plastic bag, think about the impact it will have on the environment. Maybe opt for a reusable bag instead.

The Problem With Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are one of the most convenient products of the modern world. They are strong, lightweight, and cheap to produce. We use them to carry groceries, laundry, and just about anything else. Unfortunately, this convenience comes at a high price for the environment. Let’s have a look at some major effects of plastic bags on the environment:

  • Plastic bags are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. They take hundreds of years to break down in the environment, and during that time they can leach harmful chemicals into the soil and water. One single plastic bag takes close to a millennium to decompose, and even then, it is not totally destroyed in the process.
  • It enters the aquatic food chain, affecting the ecosystem. All ocean plastic trash eventually becomes microplastics. Fish confuse this for prey. When lower-level species consume hazardous plastic, it spreads to the next creature. Thus, ingested plastic could kill a hierarchy of aquatic species. These points can help you understand if plastic bags harm the environment. The Pacific garbage vortex is marine litter. This waste data shows high quantities of plastic bags or polyethylene covers. This harms marine ecology. Plastic bags also pollute our oceans, where they can entangle and kill marine life. Ingestion of plastic has been found to be the cause of death for 34% of Leatherback Sea Turtles overall.
  • It has been scientifically proven that eating food or drinking water that has been stored in plastic bags or containers can create a variety of health problems. These conditions can include cancer, disabilities present at birth, or even a lack of immunity.
  • A simple count of 15 plastic bags is all that is required to make up for the amount of gas that is required to go a distance of two kilometers.
  • According to the findings of a recent investigation, the United States of America generated a total of 0.73 million tonnes worth of trash plastic in only one single year (2015). However, 87 percent of material was not recycled and instead was disposed of in landfills and beneath the oceans.
  • The presence of plastics in marine environments presents a number of issues that make it more difficult to advance economic growth. Plastic bags that become entangled in rocks and other terrain near coastlines create an environmental hazard that has a negative impact on tourism. The decrease in earnings from tourism, the negative effects on tourist activities, and the damage done to the maritime environment all contribute to economic losses. Plastic that becomes entangled in shoreline vegetation has a deleterious impact on maritime infrastructure, the production of electricity, fishing, and aquaculture.
  • Plastic bags are to blame for the deterioration of the environment and agricultural land, which has accidentally depleted the earth’s valuable resources, particularly its supply of oil. This is because plastic bags are made of petroleum-based materials. Because of this, there is now a significant obstacle for both the environment and agricultural productivity. Plastic bags that have been thrown away and which have already found their way onto the field are not only especially injurious to farming but also extremely harmful to the environment. The environment of the so-called developed global society would deteriorate as a direct result of this happening.

The Solution

  • When shopping for household goods, you might want to consider utilizing jute bags or cloth bags rather than the single-use plastic bags that are widely available. They can be recycled in addition to used again in other applications.
  • It is imperative that the surroundings be maintained clean at all times, with no litter to be found anywhere. In the event that any waste, including plastic, is discovered in the area, it is imperative that it be collected and disposed of in an appropriate manner.
  • Regular cleaning of the oceans is necessary to protect marine life from the poisonous effects of plastic pollution, which can lead to death.
  • Plastic recycling needs to be carried out properly in order to prevent other environmental catastrophes in the future.
  • There is a need to increase awareness among individuals about the negative consequences of using plastic bags, in order to discourage their use. This issue could be mitigated to a greater extent if people were more aware of the potential harm associated with plastic bags.


Plastic bags are versatile and can be used for a variety of reasons, including reuse. Before getting rid of them, it is vital to give some thought to the ways in which they can be reused.

Education is another important technique for improving people’s behaviors, particularly by informing them of the negative effects that using plastic bags has on the environment and people’s health.

The improper disposal of waste is an issue that has to be brought to the attention of local communities. Participating in neighborhood cleanup efforts, recycling household waste on your own volition, avoiding littering and illegal dumping of plastic shopping bags, using eco-friendly materials as an alternative, and adopting legislation that would make the use of plastic bags less appealing are some of the additional things that can be done to reduce the negative impact that plastic bags have on the environment.

People have it within their power to maintain an awareness of the potentially harmful effects of the use of plastic. We can reach a conclusion on the preventative measures after taking into account the health of a large number of people and examining the reasons why plastic bags are terrible for the environment. In the event that we are unable to significantly reduce our consumption of plastic, we should at least be sure to utilize high-quality plastic.

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